Anthony Daniels at SWCVI – SWR #63

I’m enormously pleased to present to you guys our exclusive celebration six interview with Anthony Daniels. You may have heard of him. He’s been in all 6 Star Wars films and has pretty much exclusively owned his character C3PO for the past 37 years.

He was very kind to give us an opportunity to talk to him and we can’t thank the helpful volenteers from Official Pix enough for their help in making this happen.

Anthony was a little intimidating for me to interview because he’s been around Star Wars fandom for so many years. He’s heard all the questions. Frankly I was a little worried that I’d bore him. However, I was pleasantly surprised at how kind and gentlemanly he was, and how engaging he was in our conversation. What a grand time!

Be sure to stick around for some highlights of his panel at celebration as well. For me, the best panel of celebration six is closely tied between Anthony Daniels, and Mark Hamill. It was that good.

This episode of the Star Wars Report is brought to you by Toy Hutt, be sure to check out their awesome Twitter and Facebook pages!!

I hope you enjoy this podcast episode and MTFBWY!

Riley Blanton

Host of the Star Wars Report podcast, Tech enthusiast, former CAP cadet. Opinions are my own and do not represent those of… well… other people.

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