Dave Filoni Willing to Helm Star Wars Spin Off




In an interview with /Film, Dave Filoni stated he would be willing to Helm Star Wars Spin Off film. Dave is such an amazing ambassador to SW fandom. This would be fantastic news.


/Film: For the next few years, you obviously are concentrating on Star Wars Rebels. But is a Star Wars spin-off movie something you’d want to do? Would you want to get in line to direct whether it be a Rebels movie or some random spin-off movie 10 years down the road?

Dave Filoni: Oh, of course. That’s a selfish thing to say, but of course. I mean, if I were to get an opportunity like that A, I wouldn’t turn it down. B, I would see it as a great honor to do it. And I would apply all my Jedi knowledge to doing it as best I can. When I see these spin-offs happening, I’ve got definitely more than a few ideas of things that I would love to see finished and some things that makes them, I think, personally great stories.

Via /Film

-Riley Blanton

Author: Riley Blanton

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