New Star Wars: Rogue One Trailer Brings Hope and Fear

Last night, millions of Star Wars fans (and yours truly) were patiently (hah, yeah right) awaiting the arrival of the new Star Wars: Rogue One trailer during NBC’s Olympic coverage.

Our lack of patience was rewarded by the following two minutes and fifteen seconds of Star Wars excitement:

This trailer does still have the darker tones of a war movie.


We are reminded of the threats our heroes face with the Darth Vader reveal at the end.


But the thing that stood out to me the most was the Imperial March changing keys from minor to major, and then switching to the Star Wars main theme. That, plus the shot of all of our heroes together added a note of hope.

Hero shot

Chirrut Îmwe’s character said: “I fear nothing. All is as the Force wills it.” That’s an incredible statement given they face 97.6% odds against them. Though I think we still all fear for the characters in this film, we are reminded that, in the end, they are successful. They risk everything for a cause greater than themselves, and have hope that they can succeed.

~Bethany Blanton

Author: Bethany Blanton

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One Reply to “New Star Wars: Rogue One Trailer Brings Hope and Fear”

  1. I feel no fear upon reading this blog post! I cant believe that Vader will return! Thanks for such a wonderful news.

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