A Rebel by Any Other Name…

A Rebel by Any Other Name… –shazbazzar Since the inception of Star Wars, names have been significant to the saga’s story lines.  From subtle hints about origins to conveying more obvious character qualities, the names, and changes in names, are selected to expedite the audience’s understanding of the storyteller’s vision.  For example, Deak Starkiller from […]

Jedi Visions: Insights or Opportunities?

Jedi Visions: Mere Insights into the Future or Opportunities to Change Course? In the most recent episode of Star Wars Rebels, “Vision of Hope”, Ezra Bridger has visions of fighting alongside Gall Trayvis, the self-styled “Senator in Exile” who has been the source of information (or misinformation) for the Ghost’s small band of rebels.  Despite […]